Fraud Mitigation

Don’t let online fraud become a burden for your business. Let our team of fraud experts and automated tools give you that extra margin to protect your business.
Online fraud can rapidly become very costly, and every merchant is exposed to it as it’s a risk that comes along with doing business online. The question is how well can you mitigate this risk and protect not only your business but also your customers. As an online merchant, we want you not to worry about costly chargebacks and fraudulent attempts. Our team of fraud prevention experts monitor transactions and give that extra margin of protection for your business. Our integrated fraud management and chargeback mitigation tools, paired with a seamless payment platform will give you the peace of mind and confidence you need to conduct and grow your business.

Data Protection

Origins Ecommerce level 1 certification assures you that we adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to protect you and your customers. Our web security applications and protocols protect your business and your customers. Through machine learning, we are able to track and monitor all access to our network and cardholder data in real-time and provide instant alerts for attempted breaches. Our Level 1 certification assures you that we meet the highest standards in customer data security.
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