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[Ecommerce News] Pinterest Introduces Promoted One-Tap, Video and App Pins

Posted by Origins Ecommerce - November 1, 2016 in , ,

In an effort to help brands reach its 150 million active monthly users, three new advertising products are being rolled out on Pinterest’s platform.

One-Tap Pins

As the name suggests, one-tap pins will allow users to tap on featured pins to quickly go to the source for more information. These pins are identifiable by a small arrow icon in the lower corner of each one-tap pin.


Source: Pinterest’s Official Blog

Video Pins

Designed to keep users highly engaged on its platform, these new interactive pins will play directly on Pinterest without traffic being directed off-site. Additionally, these pins will include a “related ideas” component that will allow users to learn more or purchase items featured in the video.

Source: Pinterest’s Official Blog

App Pins

Merchants who are advertising digital apps will benefit tremendously from Pinterest’s app pins, which will enable users to easily learn more about the promoted app. App pins will point users directly to app store for downloading.


Source: Pinterest’s Official Blog

These new features offer a wide span of benefits for omnichannel ecommerce businesses, as they utilize three powerful ecommerce conversion-drivers: video, cart pages and mobile apps.

Global Expansion

These changes are currently only available for select businesses, but will soon be made available to all advertisers. Additionally, Pinterest also announced that its promoted pins, which have only been available in the United States, will now be accessible in the UK with other regions to follow suit shortly.

For more information, you can read Pinterest’s official announcement.

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Origins Ecommerce

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